
Monday, September 28, 2009

Off to a new start.....

Hello everyone out there :D *waving madly* :D
Welcome to my little corner of this crazy wonderfilled world.
Where to start..umm well i'm starting to find that i really can't stop creating weather it's a a lovely Layout or a lovely boys are always enjoying making a mess with i feel a little overwhealmed @ starting a blog but i'm excited too :D love seeing everyones artwork and finding a little insight into how they work...hope i shall be able to do the same :D So here i go planting the seeds to create a little magick of my own

Bleesed be and take care
Goddess be everywhere
xx oo

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting a blog...You will have so much fun...I love my blog and thanks for becoming a follower. hope you enjoyed your visit and left me some love... LOL!!! Nah seriously if you leave me a comment on my blog posts you go in the draw for the monthly prize. Also I am running a Secret Santa(SS) Swap over on my blog...if you would like to join in just leave me a comment on the SS post and I will add your name. I am off to have a look around your blog and look forward to many more visits from you. Happy Creating...if you need some help making it all pretty and stuff..just ask and I can help Luv Shaz xoxo


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