
Monday, October 5, 2009

where to start...

Ok the past couple of days have been filled with sick little boys and one big poor little buggers, i'm just a little headachy but not to bad.Been doing lots of packing for our first big house move since oh about 5years!! so i'm a little scared and very excited!! so not much has happen scrap wise except cropping a whole bunch of photos through photoshop to get printed via Snapfish cause my printer ran out of ink so i'm looking at $50-$60 to get the inks AAAHHHH!! so when a email offer came of 50 prints for 1c each WOOHOO!! 50 prints for $4 including postage i was ssooo happy!!! i just got really crafty with photoshop to fit together my small pics for mutli photo Layouts. So now i have a list of 19 single Layouts and 10 double Layout to do! sweet! i've just got to do some time any way i'll be short and sweet today the sun is shining and the weeds are calling so off to go do some gardening :D
Happy scrappen and Take care and go have yourself a cuddle! :D

Here are a couple of the photos i rearranged so i could get them printed :D got to love technology

1 comment:

  1. Hope your family is feeling much better.
    Can you teach me how to do this on piece of paper...I have adobe photoshop 7 I think?
    Very blonde as to how to use it though! Is the bottom photo you??? Rocking it out there!!! Luv Shaz xoxo


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