
Friday, November 6, 2009

Day before the BIG move!

ok i'm now counting down to the hour we go to sign the lease @ 10am for our new house....eeee!!! so exciting i must admit i'm looking forward to going off line for a couple of makes me realize i've got a little problem with a certain that and i'm sssssooo missing my scrappen it hurts! My sweethearts also looking forward to the BIG MOVE but the kids i don't think realize whats going anyway just a super quick on today, a few pics of my scrap space being invaded by the alien boxes! lol

Oh another awesome thing i get to clean the empty house with my sister all by ourselves!! ok it doesn't sound much like a date but any time away from the kids with my sister is did i mention this will be the first time me and Justin are away from the kids together in like ever!

Have a wicked day lovelies! happy scrappen : D 

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