
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Back to school

Well what a week! lol between scrappen and Ash 1st day of Kindy, Justin my DP has desided to go back to school part doing a Web designer and Photoshop course...aarrhhh you got it, i'm going to use his Photoshop notes to help with Digital anyway Ash's 1st day @ kindy was both exciting and very scary....Not for Ash for Me! lol Ash was so ready for school and so ready to say bye mum, i was left lost and wondering what i was going to do with i was so proud and a little heart broken that Ash didn't through himself on the ground and flooded the classroom with tears, he has always been very clingy and is my shadow 24/7 so to have him just look at me and say "See you soon Mum" and Blow me a kiss was both a shock and admiration, my little baby is now a full blown Boy! funny i was planning to be there for the three hours but i was out by 9.05am and walking around in circles....trying to find my way Justin had took Lockie out so when i got home it was too quiet! lol still it just goes to show Ash is a really little man and i am very proud!
so i've got some layouts to show and some 1st day at kindy shots, Enjoy and keep happy ladies : D


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