
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Been a Week already!!

WOW!! time flys when your busy busy busy!!! LOL!
I had the rentispection on wednesday, all went well *phew* so i was very happy to break out the papers and double sided tape and start scrappen!! ionly got two layouts done but looking forward to a bit here and there scrappen : D

Last weekend was fun! Breaky @ Palandri was tasty! i had vego breaky YUM!!  lockie had pancakes and Ash had a bacon and egg roll while my Mum had eggs benidic and my dad had a full breakfast ;D

There was also one of the hundereds of Cows that are along the Margret river region, which is where we are going this Saturday, too take photos of all the cows, well not all of them but a few! lol
After Breakfast we went to a Geocachs (treasure hunt) to Devils Cove!! lol
we didn't find it but the boys had fun running around and making monster the photos

Now for the two layouts i put together the past two days
RAHA!! is made with Sassafrass lass Amplify pp, first layout i've done in like a week! since the rent inspection all i've been doing is clean! lol any way you can see i just exploded onto the

next is Swinging good time, using My minds eye - bloom and grow and a few snips from the Jungle bug 6x6 pad, god i love those kaisercraft pads!!!
 i'm starting a

well i've got to dash, got to get ready in less than 
so happy scrappen, hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!

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