
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Twilght Ecliples!!! Future Challenges!! Too Exciting!!!

Oh man as if my day can't get any better!!! Being named Layout DT member at Deb's Creations
And hearing that my Brand New Making Memoeries Slice has Arrived!!! I also get to go on a Date to the Movies with my sweetheart to see Twlight ECLIPLES!!!! oh i think im going to need a lay down! lol
Man i just so excited about everything today!!! lucky ducky i am!!

I have desided to start posting monthly Utube post (if not more frequent after i get the hang of it) with Techinques and How to's or Don't do' still i wanting to get a monthly challenge happen as well to create some more comments and to help clear some of scrappen goodies! as who doesn't love Random Acts of Kindness!! to stay tuned as this little blogger is getting busy!!! Happy scrappen : D

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