
Monday, August 9, 2010

Not As Easy as it looks!

Morning Every one :D

Today i thought i would try learning to Crochet! Well Here i go on too You Tube....Wonderful Ladies all very happy to show you all different Patterns, Well i had to strat with Lesson 0...This is Wool...PMSL! Any way I was totally thrilled to make a few links and then to have a chain!! Unreal! this is Easy i thought...very pround of my very first Untill i moved onto lesson 2 - starting a granny square....well! Let me tell you! this was the part that sent me into a whirl wind of Naughty words!! lol as i i'm following what the ladies were saying and trying to keep well as hold the wool and tool properly I ended up stopping for a min to see what it should look like...PMSL!! Well here she held a love square and mine looked like a knot of I should say a knot of links!! lol so next time you see someone knitting or  doing a bit of crochet......Tell them how Amazing they are!! Truely not a craft for the faint I'll try again later....I'll make some Granny Squares YET! lol!

Happy scrappen Lovelies! :D 

1 comment:

  1. sounds like me recently with knitting! I learnt to crochet at 11 (bless the little old lady living next door who thought I needed some 'guidance'or something lol). I love to crochet, am making some fingerless gloves atm for my Mum's friend. Thought I'd give knitting a go. Was very depressing to lose ALL my stitches every time I started making something substantial (and by substantial I mean an inch square!) <3 to you lovee, persevere and you'll succeed xoxo


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