
Friday, September 3, 2010

Have you met Julies the Bling Princess??

Now if your like me and pour over SBM and totally do a back flip when you find a scrapper that is just DIVINE! Well you have Have to meet Julies the bling Princess! she is one of the talented Scrappers that keep on WOWwing me! and she pops up in SMB often!! she is also a wonderfilled Love and really a great inspiration kick when your mojo is go forth and Check her out! but if thats not enough to get you to have a look she is haven a HUGE giveaway just because! (Cause she is a total doll)
so pop over and get inspired : D

Happy scrappen and enjoy being creative and danving with the Muse : D
"i meant what i said and i said what i meant" - Dr Suess

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