
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Three already?!

Hello everyone :D
I'm a very proud mummy as my little lockie has just turned three!! My oh my! how time flys when your haven so yesterday was filled with lots of presents and love and laughter, Ash had kindy so Lockie had mum all too himself, we played shops and cooking - "lockie Chef" he was very happy with his new toys where he could be just like dad and be a chef : D I also enjoyed making some Veg sausage rolls and some other hot treats as it was a really windy rainy day, but still you should have seen the cake that Justin made! WOW! last minute after worked he made what the the boys call a poppet, which is a sack boy from a game they play off the PS3 Little Big Planet, so justin was beaming when the boys started shouting excitedly "POPPET CAKE"! lockie than following up with "I LOVE IT"! aawww melt your heart : D
Oh what fun!! Lucky lockie was spoilt rotten by his Loveable Nan! He was given a Real Bike!! and to my utter amazement Ash also got one too! That was the most perfect gifts! what eles would two little Brother want....Bike too Race on! WOOHOO NAN! MAWH! as lockie said as he hoped onto his bike "Your the BEST NAN"! hit the nail on the head : D  


aaww too cute!
now i have one last bit of awesome news
My Daddy the Toast Master KING!!
He had a comp on this monday just gone, and he made an awesome speech and dressed up for it and all!
My Daddy is awesome! so great to hear that everyone eles knows it too!
 (it don't really suprise me :) cause he is!)
So Huge CONGRATES to My Dad!!
Who now has to go up to Bunbury to compete in round two! :D
You can Do it!! : D

So now i have a little moment to try and find my Mojo....but i think it's gone on vaction...
still there is the Scrapbooking Outback Twilight on this never fear...inspiration is coming : D

Day 5 of my new deit and not feeling as hungry as i thought, but missing my carbs ;( any way lost 4kgs!!
shows you how much crap i was all the emotional eating is a killer....anyway still going strong
weigh in is Sunday so heres hoping to keep it

Happy scrappen lovelies : D



  1. Happity happity birthyday Lockie <3 Sounds like you had so much fun, and that cake! Oh my goodness it looks sooo devilishly sweet! Any left? I'll be there soon haha! Is that Lockie on the bike? My god he's grown!! It's been too long! p.s. read my 'randomness'post... you make an appearance ;) brightest blessings to you and your awesome family :)

  2.!!! how long did that take? are you on a 'diet'? how did you do it? there are so many 'blocks' arent there and those little voices in your head "only 1 wont hurt", "i'll do it tomorrow' 'i'm too tired', 'but i NEED sugar NOW!!'...omg its so hard...but Samiam YOU CAN DO IT!! just SCRAP and SCRAP...oh and btw...your lucky boys, I wish I could give my grandkids such awesome presents !! lookin forward to seeing some of that AWESOME TALENTED INSPIRATION over the w/e at SO Sam xxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. WOW what a cool cake!
    Happy birthday to your little man, sounds like they have a super cool nan!
    Yay for your dad too!


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