
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Get Picky's !st Layout Challenge

Huge Good Morning!!!
Now as i mention in an early post about getting over to Get Picky! 
This challenge blog is awesome!! they have won my heart with their first sketch
i just love! multi photo layouts!! so here is my take on the first Get Picky Sketch!

 Now i hove to say i just loved this sketch!
the papers i used are from a new company i found while crusin the online shop @
have you seen or heard of Bella Blvd???
well i just love brights and cute icons so this company really
are has my attention : D
so go check out Get Picky, Pop by Bella Blvd and then stop at Anna's tot go
the perfect shopping :D

Thanks again to Get Picky for the inspiration boost
and to everyone for popping by : D

Happy Scrappen Lovelies : D 


  1. hey sam,...... how come your pic of your layout is sooooo zoomed in its huge and blurry...... i like the look of what i could see though

    you are so in your element with get picky, me on the other hand, hardly ever do multi pic layouts, so more of a challenge for me

  2. Oooh, just lovely! Beautiful colour scheme too.

  3. I have seen and heard of Bella Blvd, and it is a great range. Love what you have done here with the sketch at get picky :)

  4. WOW I love your take on the sketch and I love Bella Blvd too - great choice. Thanks so much for playing along with our first Get Picky challenge :)

  5. What a beautiful layout! I love those fun bright colours!

  6. OMG!! it looks fab,The photos are 2 cute, for me the doodling around the circle is a WOW.. Factor.

  7. Well done with the challenge Sam. You rocked it! That paper is very cute.

  8. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME my friend xxx oh yeah I'll upload mine 'tomorrow, tomorrow' coz I've done enough tonight LOL love your sketch LO its AWESOME xxx

  9. Fabulous!!... and of course I just LOVE the bright happy colours of Bella Boulevard

  10. Hey Sam,
    Thanks so much for the blog award!!! I have been having SO much trouble with my blog of late but it seems to be okat the moment! I will pop it up soon I promise!!!! Im sogladto hearmy layouts inspire you!!! i love this layout of yours!!!!! Bella blvd is one of my fav companies!!( but Im bias too i think!@!! LOL!)


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