
Friday, October 29, 2010

OMG! A Blog Award for ME?!

Oh i have been dying to pop up this post!! But Blogger has been given me the run around
so i was sssooo Super the Beautiful Mazz has given me another Blog Award!!!
Oh Mazz hun your a totally Sweetheart!! MWAH!!!
so very over the moon for this blog award and i'm so looking forward to passing it on to some more totally talented and lovelies ladies that i just can't stop
i just love gathering inspiration from their blog : D

So first i have to tell you 10 things you might not know about me.....
1. I love pillows! i just cuddling up in a soft pillow if not a bunch! oh i need
2. I wear black...everyday...seriously...everyday ever since i was 14 i took control of my
wardrobe and it's been black ever i do love wearing splashes of rainbows with the black ;)
3.I love to fire twirl!!! this is one passion i don't get to do enough off and suprisingly i havn't scrapped about?! i learnt how when i was 17 by a few hippie girls in Balingup WA where they also hold the Medieval Carnivale  which i love too. I'm sure i have a photo of me fire twirling in a very early post....
4. I love star who doesn'
5. My partner preposed to me on my 21st Birthday while we were on a plane ride...i was so of the i keep saying "Are you sure?" lol
6.i Love Fluffly socks!! but even more i love stripy socks!! 
7. I Hate Wasabi!! but love sushi : D
8. I love going to the cinima!! i love the see of popcorn and the thrill of a new movie but i love beeing able to snuggle up with Justin best : D
9. I was a Goth in High school and in Tafe while doing Art, Yes full Make up and very seductive clothes that i made i do miss the make up but i would probley Scare the
   10. I LOVE Chick Punk Rock! My Fav is Seven Year Bitch!! and Jeff Buckly...well
even though he is not a Chick also loved Marylin Manson and Iggy Pop early stuff as well a s Hole and i know who would have I only wish i had the photos to prove to my kids that was who i was when i meet Justin and i still am in side....deep As well as the eletric Pink Hair i had, i miss change my hair to really LOUD colours reall looked awesome with the Black clothes : D

Oh the
Now the fun part is telling you who the ten people i pick for this awesome award!
1.Rachel! your such a Hunny and so inspiring!!
2.Marrisa ! This love is such a Hun i Love her to Bitz!!
3.Vicki ! totally Awesome creations and  a totally darling!
4.Julies Inspiration Plus!! : D
5.Kirsten Totally Awesome chicky and totally talented!
6. Belinda Wonderful wonderful Gal and just so inspiring!
7. Amanda This Love has two blogs but this is a link to her swap blog that is just AWESOME!
8.Jules - The Bling Priness! oh she is a darling truly has a magical touch with her creations
9.  Katie her OTP are out of this world!! touched by the faires truly magical!
10. Joanne Now this girl can scrap! stuck for inspiration check her blog out! Amazing!!

Wow! i feel a little drained after that HUGE post! lol
Thanks again Mazz for this awesome Blog award *MWAH*
Happy Scrappen ladies i think i need a coffee!
: D 

1 comment:

  1. OMG SAM!!! you are such Lovely Lass,
    Thank you thank you SOOO much,for your kind words. But I'm still new @ this so what do i do???? LOL
    As you would notice-I am blonde....

    PS I like storking you as you rock.


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