
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Over the MOON! 1st Ever Blog Award!

Good Morning Everyone : D After stumbling out of bed, trying to find my coffee cup and get my head together, i found my place at the computer to check my emails, to my utter surprise My Darling friend Mazz has awarded me with my first ever Blog award!! OH MY GOD! Thank you so Much Mazz! I so Heart you too Babe! MWAH! so as peter parker would say "with great power comes Great responsablitiy" lol!

The rules for this award are:

1. Thank the person that passed it to you.

2. Copy the award to your blog.

3. Share three things about yourself that you enjoy doing.

4. Pass the award to 5 others.

SO 1st Thank you, Thank you, Thank You, Thank you! My Darling Mazz! you Totally ROCK!! I'm am just so OVER the MOON, My first ever Blog Award! EEEEEE! : D  MWAH! If you haven't already you should pop over to Mazz's Blog and collect some warm and fuzzy's and leave her some love cauuse you simply can't resist!!

Ok Now to share three things about myself that i enjoy doing....

1.Would be for sure Being in my creative zone! i just love love LOVE geting Arty! weather it's getting mess with paints and glue with the kids, Scrapbooking, colouring or Searching for inspiration while Surfing the net..
As long as it's got something to do with Art you have my attention and a huger smile on my face : D

2.Now this would have to curling up with a cuppa and reading, there is something about a hot cuppa and a really awesome book that has been helping me find peace and some well need

3. Now it's tough to narrow it down cause i really have heaps i love to do but Haven cuddle with my boys has to be on top on everything! My boys are my everything...when i say boys i do mean my partner as well! .lol

so hard! cause i really love sharing time with my parents!! and I love Fire Twirling too! and i love gas baging with my Sister over a coffee! and i Love BBQ with family/friends while haven a drink and watching the kids runn around....and sunshine on my face and watching winter through a window while cudddle up with my man....oh the list is very endlesss...lets just say I LOVE LIFE!  : D

Oh now if that wasn't hard nopw i have to pick only 5! other lovelies to be awarded! : S
Ok if i can't pick cause she is already picked ....well my first would be

1. Deb! Now if you know anything about Deb she is the most Fun loven Person, She has been and forever will be one of my inspirstion! her Art work is just Amazing and her collage are just tot die for!! her amazing drive and vision to Bring to life and keep inspiring poeple at her own business Deb's Creation......I Heart you DEB!

2.My second would have to be Ebony! Now she is one of My most Fave scrappers! She has the well deserve title Scrapbooking Master 2010 and if you see her work you'll totally know why! I just love her work it really inspirs me and she is so down to earth and loveable : D I heart you Ebony : D

3.My Third would be Belinda! She is just theUltra Super MUM! She has three Kidlids and she scrapps a storm! She has a taste for a challenge and always has me inspired and really to scrap!As well as being the most loveliest Person and truely can't wait to met her in person : D I Heart you Belinda!

4. My fourth would  have to be Trudi! Now this Girl Can Scrap! she is also a member of the Kaisercraft and Scrapbooking Outback  Design teams! and if you check out her blog you can see why! i am blown away with how awesome her work is and i never leave her blog with out the feeling of "i've got to try doing that"
 : D So i Heart you Trudi! : D

5.Lastly now it was so hard to pick just five cause i have sssooo many Creative Blogs i follow and i just totally HEART! But the my last one is Kirsten! Cause she is just so cool! she not only is a scrapper with a taste for a  challenge and has a love of twilight and vamps and cool stuff but she is a wonderful person that i know you'll love too! : D

I'm so honour to have this Blog award and so thrilled i could past it on : D
So ladies share the love and have yourself a scrappen a day : D I know i will : D MWAH! 


  1. Ohh Sammy- you are too much Hunny Bun- I Mwah you too Sweetie!



  2. CONGRATS!!! On the Award, OH & Thanx for stoppin by my blog & leavin a lovely comment..

  3. congrats on the award Sam, and thankyou!!! Your words are too kind!!! will get onto this a little later. Of to school to order Hannahs kindy uniform for next year!!! Will come back for a looksie too, been a bit busy lately.

  4. Aaaaw Sam thanks ever so much, you make me blush



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