
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

OMG! what a day!

Huge hello everyone!!
Well i can't say today has been a dream
the last two days Justin has been home and i'm feeling really flat!
After yesterday little Cleaning work at my parents with Lockie (Ash was a kindy)
i felt so drained when i got home all i wanted to do was sit have my late lunch and a coffee
and plan what was for dinner and try hard to think which photos to use for my next layout.
Well Justin had other well not that it was a
Now don't get me wrong i love my partner too utter bitz! he is my Sun and i'm his moon...but talk about bad timing! Justin decided it was time to clean up the back shed and then the storeroom that is right next too
my scrap you can imagine where all the boxes and stuff when ...thats right...on and under and around my space!!! so i spent the rest of today trying to claim
 back my space! ...all i wanted to do today was just one layout!! now i'm so buggered i just want to have a coffee and think about dinner...sounds like a little bit like a circle?!

Well putting all that aside and a huge Kisses to my Man! cause with out him pushing me into a corner 
about changing things around thay would never get done, i love you justin! but seiously you and i need a serious cuddle tonight!!

So i was thrilled to bitz when i got an email back from my friend chickie baby Mazz
(dear love was listen to me natter again, what a sweetheart!) 
   She mentioned a Congrats about winning STB?!
i was like STB??? what the hell is
not untill my flipped into blog mode i realized! 
Oh i'm so thrilled!! i can't tell you how much i look up to all the scrapper
on Scrap the Boys!! they are all so incredible and talented!!!
so to see i won!! OMG!! that is reall the silver lining to the past two
that and Justin cleaned up the shed and storeage
So with that cheery note i've got to say Give it a go!
any comp and sketch! JUST GIVE IT A GO!
Cause you just might win and if not you'll met new friend, learn new techniques and 
come out with a lovely creation!!

SO a Huge Thanks to Scrap the Boys 

and Scrapbooking from Scratch! for my lovely prize!
so joy! $25 voucher! WOOHOO! that is just gold to me! with chrissy around the corner
i'm sure you all agree money is just not around to spend on yourself.
So i'm just over the moon!

A a big MWAH! to Mazz for letting me know as well as listening to me your one in a million!

HAppy scrappen lovlies...i'll be back into the swing on things tomorrow..
*cross my fingers*


  1. you can 'natter' all your like Sammi..coz your nattering to a 'nutter' LOL you deserve to win Sam..the amount of hard work, thought & effort, along with your talented creativity just gotta pay of eh :) and hugs xx


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