
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Seem to be running out of time?!

Huge Hello Everyone!!
I am amazed at how time flys when you as too
busy!! with Chrissy just around the corner, school coming to an end
i seem to be running out of time to do things?! 
I really have been sitting down at the end of the day,
totally drainned and saying to myself...
"i really wanted to scrap today" 
oh well sleep is more needed! as well at the pestering Tooth ache!! 
Wisdom teeth pushing through and given me grief!
well i can't believe i only got one layout done in two weeks!!!!
that is just so unreal! i feel December is going to be filled with more
baking and cooking and cleaning , than scrappen or blogging!....AAARRHH!
oh well i'm sure i'll have lots of stuff to share after chrisssy and heaps of photos!!

so for the one layout i did get done, was for a challenge from Bo bunny 
to scrap a layout on "One thing i love about myself"
so i really love my imagination :D
always keeps me this reality one or
so i splashed out with the Bo bunny "sun kissed" papers and soaked up the brights : D

Oh how i wish i could freezer time so i could get more done, or just slow it down a little, that could help
with the kids growing up to quick too!

Well i really hope your all getting chrissy stuff done before it get tooo crazy
i'll share with you all my chrissy tree cookies i'm baking for presents and for Ash's Kindy class
they are so easy to make , look fantastic and are YUMMY!!
well since it is the firsat of December it's time to put up the chrissy tree in our house : D
so i hope to get some cute photos of the boys doing that : D

Happy scrappen lovelies hope to blog again soooonnnn!!!! : D



  1. I heart your imaagination too SamIam :) and that is such an imaginative, creative, talented LO. very clever - I specially LOVE the brights coz it shows the real 'bright & colourful' YOU :) hope you dont go crazy(er) when ur busy like me LOL {mwah} xxx

  2. This is a simply stunning layout, wow, those papers are just simply divine I love everything about this layout. Melxx

  3. LOVE IT! LOVE IT!! Sam just FAB U LAS, Love to come visit here.. Always So Bright,Colourful & Awesome LO's - Gr8 job..

  4. gorgeous Sam, love the colourful cheery feel to the page.. awesomework ... hugs x


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