
Thursday, January 13, 2011

A 100 already?!

Huge Hello Everyone :D
Man I've a bit shocked to see this is my 100th post!
WOW this calls for a RAK Giveaway!
don't you think???

Well i've got to say it wasn't as hard as i thought to get to a hundered post,
i mean it not that hard to rabbit on about nothing in much
Any way lets see what booty i'm given away...

Pretty cool! at least a bit to play with, I'm also going to throw in some Snady lion stickers for Kidlids so
they don't feel left :D Now all you got to do is
1. Become a follower..if not already {HUGS}
2. Comment on this post and
3. Post on your blog about this giveaway, so we can share the love :D

I'll get my cool looking cherib to pull a name out of a hat and post the winner on the 1st of Feb 2011 :D sweet :D  
AAWW! he is just so sweet!..*cough, cough* i mean cool!

Now onto more important things like what i've been creatin, to avoid the
Now i couldn't help myself i Jacked another Layout from the Scrap Jacks Blog Challenge
this time i Jacked Mels layout...
Mel is a totally Hun, I meet her first at Scrap therapy (Which is one of the Best shopping stops)
the forum is jammed packed for of inspiration and Knowledge!

Now this is what i came up with....

Now i was mostly inspired by Mels layout because of the Bubble wrap texture she had created in th back ground and the inked up boarder....i ended up using the layout as a sketch as it suit my photo so well!
Thanks heaps Mel! and Thank you Scrp Jacks!!
I'll be

Next of the bat is My ATC for Scrap and Art
now the theme was Animals...

Thanks Angie for organizing this year ATC, lets hope i can keep up with the rest of the
well now i've come to the end of my post and i'm looking at my "To do List" ...
now i wish i had some more
Not that bad really..i just don't like cleaning in the heat....
Not to worry...i think i may make an iced coffee?
Any one for an Iced coffee? Homemade...home brewed ?


  1. I believe we have the same Obsessive compulsive behaviour! (ie to rattle on about nothing on our blogs) although I do believe you have the most gorgeous LO's and the most generous heart - WOW a FABBY RAK SamIam!! been a stalker for a while now and I LUB it all...especially LUB those animal ATC's - did u make any extras to swap? LOL yeah I'll promote your blog (again) no worries at all {MWAH)

  2. awesome candy sam,i absolutely love your layouts and atc's....hugs Anita

  3. Just love those bright colours in your scrap jack page. Thanks for playing along with us.

  4. Wow! You've been busy girl LOL. Love your jack of Mellie's LO! I have those Kaiser papers in my stash & you've inspired me to take them back out :).

  5. Aww I am chuffed and thank you Sam...I gotta tell you , your LO is pretty cool.You know how much I love your scrapping.You go girl!!!!! Great bubblewrap stamping and just love how it turned out with the Kaiser paper....AWESOME!!!!!!! Thank you so much for jacking my LO x

  6. I am already a follower, and I just added your link to my blog :)

    I love that LO, the oranges, blues and greens look great! And those animals are fairly cute too!

  7. Mazz directed me here. Great projects and wonderful blog candy. Am following now and posted your giveaway in my blog candy jar on my left sidebar.

  8. LOVE what you have doen with the Jungle Bug range Sam, absolutely awesome!!!! Nice RAK too!! Will share over the weekend!!

  9. Gorgeous work again Sam!!
    Love your bubble wrap effect!

    Thanks for playing along with us at Scrap Jacked.

  10. Such a gorgeous striking LO!!! You've really captured Mels LO beautifully! Thanks for scrapping along with ScrapJacked!

  11. Congrats on the 100 Sam! Love your blog, your layouts & positive spirit help my mojo :) Very generous RAK!


Please leave a comment, Comments make me Smile :D