
Monday, January 3, 2011

Feeling restless

Huge hello Everyone :D
Well i don't know about you but i'm feeling really restless...
After christmas and the New Year, i'm feeling over tired and physical ill
i swear if i see another chocolate (i'd probley eat
I seriously need to clean out all the nasties out of my cupboard
they are making me more sleepy and more icky in this heat...
some more H2o! thats it i'll try drowning myself in water
thats got to clear out my system.
I've been suffer so serious scrapper block
i mean if you got 15mins i really should be planning or something?
But i just seem to want to curl up and sleep?!
maybe i should clear out my stash too?
i'll make a super coffee and get into it
I found that Scrap Jacked is going all out this month
with Prizes for their first Challenge this year
so go Blog hopping and check this blog out!
 You'll love this challenge blog filled with loads of lovelies

I must admit i really need to do a over hall on my photos on the computer too
maybe thats where my block coming from
need inspiration
step 1. Clear out photos (add a too scrap file)
step 2. clear out stash (create a couple of kits for yourself)
step 3. gather sketch or challenge
step 4. Scrap!!!...well
hope thats how my plan

well i'm off to find something to give me a then again
maybe some finger painting is what i really need...
I'm sure lockie will love it :D

HAppy scrappen lovelies

Any ideas on how to find your mojo???


  1. I'm sure inspiration will hit when you least expect it Sam. Enjoy and Happy New Year.

  2. Hope you found your mojo Sam :)


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