
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Almost time!

Huge Hello everyone!
how the week has flown by!
already the count down to the June Sunday sale tomorrow morning has started
i have had to stop myself just hitting the post button as
i'm excited to see what you think of these kits and extra
goodies i have collected and made :)
with the help of my little boy Lockie :)
he really has loved making buttons over the past month

Did you get any scrappen done this week?
i wish i had gotten more then i have done,
i got one layout done, but i can't show you cause its for the Masters this year,
yeap, i'm taking the leap and just entering,
not holding my breath, as i have seen way too many amazing layouts latley that leave me in the dust,
but this year i'm just entering :)

I had heaps of fun hand dyeing dolies!
OMG! seriously forgot how much fun dyeing cloths was!
brings me back to my Art school days...aaarrhhh
too much fun!
and oh the colours!
check this out....

How lovely are these bright colours!
i only realize after i started dyeing i had no red dye!
seriously! i have to get some! ands pink!
i love me some hot pink dolies...lo
not sure what layout i would use them on but  what the hey!
i even got crafty and tryed out some double dip dolies which you can see  tomorrow morning
at 6am Western Australian time.

Also please check out my monthly layout challenge,
i've seen Kirsten and Amanda have already created stunning layouts
with the theme "BLUE SKIES"
so have a go and link it up to the june challenge post to be in to win!

I've also been doing a heap of driving this week!
slowly getting the hang of driving, well
i can see i have a bit of practice a head of me mostly with reversing...hehe
but i'm going to stick it and be one of the world best drivers..
well we have to have our goals, why not shot for the stars :)

Well lovely ladies, hope your all excied as i am about my sale tomorrow,
and even more excited that tomorrow is Sunday scrappen for me!
so that means a huge be chunk of time for me and my lovely papers!
Mention about lovely Papers i wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Bird is the Word
and Mostly Tid Bitz in Time   with the lovely Wendy
for  inspiring me and then choosing my layout!

OMG! what a shock! as there are so many amazing layouts,
Seriously thankful! as i was delighted to pick a lovely Monthly kit form
 Tid Bitz in Time which are drop dead DELISH!
i picked this kit

If your in the mood to indulge in a monthly kit, look no further!

     Ok ladies, i really hope to see you all tomorrow :)
even if it's just to leave me some love :)
i'm off to clean up my scrappen space for tomorrow scrap a thon!
your all invited! My House, scrap chat, cuppas, chocolate and loads of paper flying! :)
Keep smiling :)
and enjoy the simple moments :) 


  1. *YAY* I'm ready for your sale tomorrow!!!
    Congrats on your win @ BITW your layouts are always Awesome & Soooo glad you over there.....
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

  2. I was so glad to see you won with that lo! It is one of the best I have seen in a long time! Love the style! Congrats! Will chech out your goodies 2morrow!

  3. congrats on winning..... im so hoping to be able to come in at sale time.....if not im definitely gonna come in when i can and buy your yummo those doilies.....

  4. OMG sam. these are amazing creations. just getting my order ready now.


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