
Monday, August 15, 2011

I love MY Minds Eye Stash!

Huge Hello Everyone!

Well i seriously can't help but loven
how joy are their paper collections and their embellsiments!

i seem to be finding myself getting lost in My MME stash
and coming out with some lovely layouts!

after not scrapping for a week i was haven serious withdrawals...
so head first into my MME stash with their August Monthly sketch

OMG! WOW! how joy is the lost and found collections!
i was totally Lost in my stash!

i even had a go at the monthly card sketch too

still love the old school bloom and grow collection too!

if that wasn't enough MME i even created another
layout with Anna's crafting cupboard sketch...

as you can see i have minimized thew sketch and left it in the bottom right
and loveldd using the little robots collection! :)

So huge HORAY for My Minds Eye!
i totally heart you!

I hope this post has inspired you to dive into your My Minds Eye stash today :)

happy creating!


  1. Lovely layouts!

    I just wanted you to know that my goodie back of stuff accidentally went home with my sis in law to North Carolina! I only got to use a few things! I am waiting for it to make it's way back to me, so I'll be blogging all about you shortly and your beautiful stuff!

  2. Hey Hey SAM!!
    Just lovin both of these Layouts & card.... Just lovin all your Details!!!!!
    You are still a Rockin with your Creations!!
    Hope your Have a Wonderful Week... xx

  3. love all these, the layouts and card..... just gorgeous Sam..... love them all..... i love my minds eye too,, got a heap, dont use it as often as i should though

  4. Can't wait for your next sale...and did a little blog post about my GDT this month.Hopefully , you get some traffic over to you

  5. I adore ALL of it...also I've created a 'masked' LO for your August challenge - here's the link SamIam enjoy...huge hugs 'n' hearts
    mazz xxx


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