
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Inspirations & Count Down....Giveaway?!

Huge Hello Everyone!!

Well i hope your week has been as Fantastic!

I have been flying by the seat of my pants with TAFE,

Man this Cert IV Accounting is definitely not for the faint hearted,
 i found i was doing more homework than TAFE classes this week?!

I'm happy to say i have gotten last week assignments out of the way and now
looking at three fresh I know I'm a sucker for

On the bright side i have made it a major priority to balance
my logic with my Art...
and it's working wonders, stress relief through paint and colour :)

I have been finding loads of inspiration with these work shops
and I'm super excited to use some more artsy techniques in my scrapbooking.

I'm also getting into the Art Journaling and the colour Journal

Here are three pages i created this week

And this is my first colour scheme in my Colour Journal :)

Finally found some time to create some fimo buttons i have been dancing around my head :)

I was able to squeeze in one layout this week....
based on the yummy Feb sketch from Handmade by Suzanne


Using some of those Delish Eye Candy Fimo buttons and Rainbow Splendour Pinwheels,
oh how i LOVE Chole's creations!!
Did you know Chloe's created a New Blog for her Rainbow Splendour?!

Follow the link to see here

To celebrate her new blog Chloe is having a Giveaway!!
 to so pop over to the new blog to see how to be in too win!

Now i Also wanted to share with all of you a sneak peek of the first layout

A Piece of Cake Designs

We have little less than two sleeps till the First kit is revealed!!

I know how EXCITING!!

Here is a Sneak from Tam creation....

Want to see a little more....

pop over HERE to see...

The March kit will be revealed on the 5th of March!
so stay tuned!!

A Piece of Cake Designs

So Excited to share with you all the creations i have been up too
 with this March Kit!

P.s. have you seen me HERE?!
How cool! :) 

Totally Blown away to see i was published in Scrapbooking Memories Vol14 No5
Our Park Adventures! 
Locklan was thrilled to see himself in a magazine :)

One last thing i wanted to share with all of you this week...

Our Winner of My February Giveaway...
All packed already to send...

our list of Lovely ladies whom left a comment and link for the Feb Giveaway  

 This month i thought i would let locklan pick the lucky winner

And the Winner is....

please email  with your postal address
so i can pop your happy mail in the red box :)

Now who is up for My March Giveaway???

This Month giveaway is.....

Some more bits and bobs of  Eye Candy Magic :)
Just pop a comment on this post and a link to share the giveaway with your friend :)
Got to keep sharing the love :)
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend filled with loads of love & laughter!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank for another chance to win. I already made a link to my blog :

  3. Oh, what a post!! LOL. Firstly, good on you with the study, and balancing it with art/craft seems like a very good idea :-). Loving your page for HBS - the Rainbow Splendour looks fab on there!! Thanks for the plug for the new blog too :-) :-). Your new goodies look adorable and so does your giveaway :-). Have a great weekend!!! xxx

  4. Hey miss sam! I reckon all that creativity has to come out after all that accounting study!!!

    Love you sketch interpretation ... cool! gorgeous work as usual!!

  5. Hi Sam! Hope to have o really good month. Spring is here. I love these cute things. Thank you so much.

  6. I'm just ADORING all that colour on your gorgeous LO!! just love love love it all...will link up for the giveaway shortly. congrats Marisa on your win - you're such a LUCKY gal :) I love rainbow splendour too, so tfs - all the best for the TAFE studies Sam.I.Am - lookin' 4d 2 c wot you r next venture/creation is xxxxx

  7. wow great layout sam. love it. i have posted about your giveaway on my blog. good luck with the studies. Kirsten

  8. okies its blogged, thanks heaps for the chance to win this gorgeous stuff....loove your stuff and seriously need a restock lol

  9. mmmm... looks yummy!
    Love the LO. im putting your giveaway up in my sidebar and linking back to you. Is that ok?
    you can find it over here
    Thanks so much for the chance.

  10. Woo hoo I found this via Mazz.Love your two little munchkins,they are cute.
    I'll put your giveaway on my blog.

  11. Awesome candy! Thanks for giving me the chance!

    Also thanks for all the fantastic inspiration I've found in your blog!

    Hugs, Hilde

  12. Love the giveaway! Posted on my blog.

  13. Just love the great stuff in your March giveaway. Got my fingers crossed they might find a new home at my place.

  14. What a lovely blog you have and you are making so nice things :-)
    I have posted about your lovely candy in my blog

  15. yummy yummy yummy!! what a great giveaway!! I have blogged

  16. Sam just want to say thanks so much for the awesome goodies I received yesterday, love all and every piece...again thanks for Locklan picking my name :)

  17. Lovely candy. Thank your for giving us the chance to win these goodies.

  18. Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win. Have a nice day! Love, Tonje

  19. What a fantastic give-away.......I love your fimo buttons : )

  20. awesome giveaway! i have spread the word on my blog too!

    I stumbled across your blog via some blog-hopping (well actually over an hour of randomly clicking on various blogs and hopping along to see where i would end up and what gorgeousness i can see on the way!!)

    Love your creative style, and your many awesome creations which are really inspiring! I love your blog so much, you are now on my blogroll!


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