
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Inspirations a Piece of Cake!

Huge Hello Everyone!!

WOW Wee! what a full on week!

Warning I'm going to be rather honest in this post so pop your protective gear on...

Well this week has been on of those..."Come have to be kidding me!!" weeks
between work and study i think my head is going to explode!
I think it has to be due to my time of the month *sigh*
i hate admitting it but I'm a bit on edge and ready to full into a puddle of tears
Even thought i know I'm fine, it's just for a few days of the month my armour
is at the cleaners and my heart is on my
So creating this week has been a little funny,
Usually this is my fix it moment...playing with paint and getting my dose of
creative happy time i feel better and ready to face the world...
But some how the paints were misbehaving and i spilt a bottle
of glimmer mist chalk on my layout...

Sadly not a very happy accident
I even sat in a corner and sulked for a little

************Deep breathe**********

Honestly i just wanted to curl up in bed and read a
OK! Enough of all that...

I want to share with you all the real me and the happy feelings that
today is a whole new day and the sun is shining

Have you seen my first creation for A Piece of Cake Designs??

Well if not here it is!

I sort of lept in to the pink....sort of like when you run and jump into cold

First Release - March Kit-

Just got to love this kit!!

I have so far scrapped 5 layouts and still have enough scraps to create a few cards :)
hows that for monies worth!?

Here is a sneak peep of what i have been creating this week

still have another sneak but I'll save it till next time :)

If you want to see these layout keep your eyes peeled on A Piece of Cake Designs Blog
If you head over there now you will see the stunning Recipe Design With Tam!

Really Lovely layout! seriously go have a looksy!

Also wanted to remind you all that i have my March Giveaway up!!

Speaking about giveaways

Have you heard?? Lime Tree Creations is having a Awesome March giveaway!!


Want to know more?? Click HERE

I had so exciting news in my mail box yesterday, lifting my mood and
bringing a whole bunch of fun!

I had confirmation that the Workshop
"The Art of Wild Abandonment"

the first lesson was sketching radishes?!
Well I'm all out of radishes!
so i picked some cherry tomatoes of our little bush

and found the love of sketching coming back to life

I'm not a fantastic sketcher but i find just drawing {even if child like} is just fun :)

here are my first little sketches

and i tried my first water colours....think we may have to practice a little :)

Ah well it's that time again, i must fly, thank you for sharing in a little bit of my crazy
week and thank you for being patient with my little whinge
I'm feeling more able to face the world...
well at least TAFE and work :)

Time for a cuppa and a good old read :)

Look forward to more creative surprise next week :)
Hope you all have a Fantastic weekend and a super loven week!


p.s thank you to all the google images helped me express my moods :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's always good to get things off your Chest.....I Loved the added pictures! hehehehe
    GEE! WIZ! What you have done with the kit so far looks AWESOME!!
    & So are the Sneaks!! Loads of yumminess!! You have a Gr8 weekend!

  3. Hope you've come out the other side - FUN, FUN how much detail you pop in:):):)

  4. that's why i love to come visit here're always lookin' on the bright side of life :) keep smilin' and your world will smile too my dear...the kit LO is awesome and everything is just so inspiring - the sketch included !!! lul Mazz xo

  5. Hi Sam! what a wonderful blog post you have created here.. and the photos from google have really added to the journalling.. i hope your week has turned out much better then you thought it was going to be.. i can so relate to all you said... and the layout is stunning.. so arty, so free so full of life.. i love it.. and thanks for coming by and leaving a lovely comment.. i just had to come and say thank you!!


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