
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Better than great it's good!!

Huge hello everyone!

With holidays coming to a close over here in WA, I feel a little sad,
I really have been loving the the new routine
Of cleaning, scrappen, painting and dashes of work,
 mostly the extra creative time hehe And all the blogging!
I have now master the iPod with blog hopin!
Now it's all about time management lol
Back to school for the kids and myself, a little worried about getting back into the studies routine,

But give it a few days I' ll be right, just suffer from scrappen withdrawals, lol
Very exciting news on Wednesday's I had taken my last test for my drivers license! And I passed!
 Woohoo! Or as my partner Justin said"god help us" lol
 I know ..see what I live with Lol, bunch of jokers around here I' m telling you....
Well the jokes on him if he wants me to drive him anywhere hehe
I will share some photos on the day I receive my license,
 I m  not actually allowed to drive until I have it...,
counting the days....then to spotlight!!! Lol
Also wanted to share a sweet little layout I created with the last scraps from A Piece of Cake Designs April kit

Here are so sneak peaks for you....

If you would like to see the rest of the layout  pop over to A Piece Of Cake Designs to have a looksy :)

I really been getting into these banners And I think this is the best
way to use up any little Scraps you have left.

Bit Excited too to be a GDT spot .....somewhere..... I know I' m a tease.... Lol

Just a reminder if you haven't already check out my April giveaways For my Eye Candy Magic

If you want to be in too win, just pop over to the post to see how....

OMG! Also to let you all know that the AMAZING talented Chloe is having a sale at her
Yummy Rainbow Splendour this 26th April!!!

I know totally Exciting!!...two more sleeps!!.... I'll see you there!!

  That's it for now ttfn.... ta ta for now

{{{ Hugs}}}


  1. woohoo....huge congrats on getting your licence, now i gotta get off my butt and get mine..... we are allowed to drive over here soon as we pass the test....... love those sneaks, im loving banners atm too

  2. YES, BIG congrat's on your's a great feeling...I'm sure you'll be fine with back-to-school...bit like riding the proverbial bike:):)

  3. Aw, you are a total sweetie :-) xxxx Thanks for the mention AND I spy a RBS star felt pop in your sneak too :-) :-) loving the sneaks by the way, will have to pop by and see the whole awesome page!!
    CONGRATS on your licence, no stopping you now ;-)

  4. Congrats on your license! WTG! Love the sneak too! You have such fun colourful layouts! Right up my alley!! :D


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