Saturday, June 15, 2013

Project Life! - Kraft it Up - June Challenge

Huge Hello Everyone!
As you may have gathered by the title of this post
I have given the Kraft it up
June Challenge a whirl!
At Kraft it up this month the Challenge
 is to create a "Project Life" inspired layout. 
 Use a week out of this month and take a minimum of 3 photos
(more if you want to) and you need to journal about what has happened that week.

As you may well know you also have to use Kraft paper or Kraft pattern paper
as the background.
I sort of found myself creating a double

Be back soon!

I really enjoyed doing this challenge, I found it exciting to edit and print my
instagram photos and use them as my scrappen photos,
As I seem to be using my phones camera to quickly snap a moment
I otherwise would miss :}
Got to love the instagram :}
I have used mostly Echo Park Papers from a 6x6 Pad, along with some
My Mind Eye Phrase stickers and bunch of Eye Candy Magic Fimo creations
and doilies I have floating around in my sash.
Hope you have whirl of this challenge too!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Today I am thankful

Huge Hello everyone!
Wow Wee what a week!
or should a say a couple of weeks, since my last post.
I have finally gotten a moment after the a long working week,
I have just finished my first five day in a row at Bunning's!
OMG! I know I really should toughen
I did how ever get to go out with the Activities lady at Bunning's and
help out at a crafty school gig :}
Very chuffed to have been asked, really enjoyed sharing that with the kids
 and making wooden pencil cases :}
I'm happy to say that I have been lucky enough to receive more hours
from Bunning's and am now the Bread winner in the
     Justin on the other hand is really doing an absolutely AWESOME job at
running the house!
Seriously wondering how I would ever do without him, my angel :}
Now to enjoy my first day off in a while I wanted to checkout what the lovely
ladies at Sassy Scrappers are up too
Sassy Scrapper
and this months challenge is
to use the quote
this really inspired me to start a SMASH* journal
and really help myself keep focus on the things I am thankful for,
another great reason for scrappen :}
I'm blown away to see a message to say that I had won last month sketch challenge!
OMG! so so so grateful and just utterly over the moon!
Sassy Scrapper
So a HUGE Shout out to Olga and Sassy Scrappers!!
I'm pretty happy to say I have also been still getting my creative thing on
 and diving into some digital scrappen
and creating some Project Life pages through an online class by Jessica Sprague.

I'm pretty stoked with the outcome from this class so I decide to sign up for the
this class goes on for 12 weeks, basically each Friday there is a new lesson
and you learn new techniques and by the end I'll have 12 layouts :}
So a nice easy stepping stone course :}
But I have to admit it's not as good as the real
Got to dive into paint sometime :}
Hope you are all doing the same, getting creative and enjoying the moments we
are all thankful for :}
Sending you loads of warm wishes and HUGS!
Samantha :}

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Yay for Sam! Sassy Scrappers May Sketch Challenge!

Huge Hello Everyone!!
Well I'm very excited to say that i have completed
 my first layout challenge in months!
a whirl as I'm not a huge one for multi photo layouts...
Now i ended up with one less photo than the
sketch but I'm really happy with what i came up with for my first
layout in a while,
I forgot how much fun creating layers were!
="" title=><img src="" width="200" height="66" border="0" alt="/" /><br />
I ended up working with some of Bobunnys Adora Papers
from one of my past kits from Sassy Scrappers
So you can find all these yummy papers at the revamped store..
I am totally in LOVE with the stores new look and find it so
much more easier to browse and shop in the new site.
So here is the layout i created
"Love Love to Bake Cookies"
Please excuse my poor photo quilaty these photos are taken through my phone and uploaded
via instagam...i was a little to excited to share with you all to go through with the
my big Sony
lookin at these photos now i really have to take some real photos...
the colours are so much more brighter and alive...just how I'm feeling
after i had finished my layout :}
So So Happy!
Thanks again to everyone for your supportive and heart felt comments,
Honestly i felt so uplifted and excited to finally getting back to my happy place
i couldn't wait :}
Many {{{HUGS}}} to you all!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Somethings Missing....

Huge Hello Everyone!
I seem to be missing something,
I have being trying to find it....not sure how
It's been missing for sometime now and my frustration is grow.
I had plans to continue with being creative through my Facebook page
and seems to be a bust,
Even taking photographs have been a mission,
I have started this month a photo a day challenge to get myself back into
at least taking photos and capturing the moments.
Depressions is a funny thing, sucks the life out of you and your left to really
find yourself balance.
I am getting better, it has taking me a while to even admit that
I am suffering from depression, bit of a surprise when it creeps up on
I want to start taking more photos and start with a different scrap challenge a month.
I think this is how i'm going to find my groove, find that wonderful something I
have been missing for at least 6 long months now...
I have to promise to myself to really try and get back to where I was creatively
and find that happy place filled with laughter, love and paint :}
Thank you all for listening and showing your support
through the past years, all your encouragement and community spirit has made me
feel as I am a part of something amazing and wonderful.
Please take a moment and give yourself a HUGE HUG!
cause you are amazing and incredible!
 “Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” - Dr Suess

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Here I am ...

Huge Hello Everyone!!
Well i know it has been a Long, long, long time since i last posted on my blog,
I have to freely admit that i have been having trouble with my creative mind, or my mind in general...
I'm sure you can understand at times all you can do is laugh and cry all at once,
But over all I'm starting to get back to the real deal...
I have a bit of an announcement, I will be starting up my creative journey and be posting more snippets of what I'm up to via the Eye Candy Magic Face book Page, as i find it loads easier to share quick photos and creative links with all of you, sort of cut out the long post and editing and such....
At least give me a bit of free nature as to hope i can share creative inspirations with you :}
So please feel free to come and like my page and see what I'm up to, I'm also fallen in LOVE with Pintrest and Instagram so you will see me using these handy little tools very frequently,
I honestly hope your all doing well and i look forward to popping around and pinning your creations
Sending you all loads of creative energy, Love and Laughter!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

OMG! a month already?!

Huge Hello Everyone!!
Wow! i can't believe it has almost been a whole month
since my last blog post!
time just fly's!
Well loads has been going on and sadly not scrappen
a little dash here and there with the Lovely Sassy Scrapper Ladies
Sassy Scrapper
I created this lovely canvas inspired my all time fave mix media artist
My Photo
So happy together,echo parkSo Happy Together Patchwork-So Happy Together PatchworkSo Happy Together Happy Stripes-So Happy Together Happy Stripes
As well as this sweet layout of my Sister and me :}
Loads of delish Kaiser blooms and crochet flowers, even a few prima!
I only got to finish scrappen this layout of Ash and myself last week,
with the inspirations of the Sassy Scrappers August Sketch challenge!
If you want to have a go at this sketch and go in to win a voucher for the
 Sassy Scrapper store why not give it a whirl!
All the materials i have used on each creations can be found in Sassy Scrapper Store!!
I just LOVE these Echo Park papers, Happy Together is  perfect name for this collection, the colours are so bright they can't help but make you smile :}
Now I'm not sure if you have noticed but i have finished up 
my DT works, as i was finding that my work and family commitments
got to the point of me realizing I'm only human {go figure} lol
So i had to {sadly} bow out and leave the inspiring to the AMAZING
ladies whom bring it all!
Huge thanks to Raquel at A Piece of Cake Design!
Bird is the Word
and Olga at Sassy Scrappers
Sassy Scrapper
I honestly feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to be able to
work on such awesome design teams, I'm so sorry not to have been able to continue.
to all these fantastic ladies!
Thank you for all your help, understanding and your inspiration!
you are all WONDER Women in my eyes! 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Word for Bird Is the Word!

Huge Hello Everyone!!

Exciting news! Bird IS the Word has a new word release!

Bird is the Word

The New Word is...


for My layout i was

Word: My
Colour : Purple
Tech: Chevron

As you can see I have used one of Charms Creations Lovely lollipop's...

Some of Rainbow Splendours Felt Chevron!
and Eye Candy Magic Shabby Board and buttons :}

If you want to grab yourself some Eye Candy Magic the
July Celebration Sale  is found here!

So why not have a go at this new Challenge word from Bird Is the Word!!

Can't wait to see what you create!!

Happy scrappen!
