
Monday, April 12, 2010

Just as Addictive...

Morning everyone : D

Just popped in to add a little bling to my Blog, I have found that Shopping for digital kits are just as addictive and shopping for Scrappen with the storage still being an issue..."will my computer still run with that many kits??" lol i i have been going a little nuts with the PTS Design kits as they are 50% off! OMG! i was so all over it last night and again this morning! lol thats it no more buying untill i scrap a storm with each kit and get a Bigger Extrnal Hard i'm feeling a little scared about all the kids photos disappearing to put my mind at rest a new hard drive just for photos and i'm going to start doing Hard copies....well i think that will help me sleep better ...i

Any way i'm still scrappen a storm with my papers flying too, i'm on a mission to get my papers used and  sorted in to some sort of selling off not loved i'm a huge fan of kits i may just be able to get rid of  some of my stash, sounds easy but....oh god the thought of parting with my lovely just got to get

Well i'm working through My Duchess collection from Kaisercraft, so far three layouts and the Journal for all my Dads answers to his-story, i'm thinking i'll get another layout and a few cards if i'm clever *cross my fingers*  Do you think doing up kits with a bit of everything? or kits with just papers or just stamps???
Still thinking it over.....longer i put it off ,the more chance i have that Just forgets i even said i'll sell

Happy scrappen everyone  : D

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