
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Playing catch up....

Well its been sssoooo long since my last sorry! my computer has been haven issuse! anyway we are on the sence again and i have been keeping up with my monthly goals with scrappen and winning a few comps here are there to keep me even more motivated : D April and May scrappen was a fantastic! trying to push my bondiers to get a little more interest into my layouts.....oh i just realize i have no post for my March layouts eirther.....god i have been slack!! ok i will do a seperate post for my OTP and mt digital but will keep on top after this MASSIVE post! lol!




Phew!! that a lot of layouts!! not even including my OTP or my digital, lol 
Well i hope this gives you some ideas or at least some to have a look at man i cranked in March! i think that was my Red Bull any way if you want to catch up i'll hanging around Deb's Creations like a bad all the Ladies are Fantastic and there are some truley amazing Creations in the gallery come have a looksy and join in the fun : D

Happy Scrappen and if theres no time to scrap happy scrappy i know i
Take care chickies : D tomorrow i'll post the digies : > 

oh if you have any questions about the types of papers i have used just give me a comment about which layout an i'll give you the run down : D

 sorry taking the easy way out on that many, too little I'm sure you understand :D

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