
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas wishes & Winners!

Huge Hello All My Lovely Blogger friends!!

First i have to apoligilze for being MIA
i have really been flat tack with TAFE and working at Bunnings!
Thank god TAFE is over for next couple of weeks *Phew*
Give me a chance to do what we love best :) CREATE!
But all that aside i have been wondering what all of you have been creating?

Getting ready for christmas?

Have you finished finding gifts for your family?

Funny enough first year ever for me i have finished all my gift shopping?! shock!

with gifts in mind, i'm very late to announce the winners of the
 giveaway for Speard the word

and Digital Scrapbooking giveaway My Memoeries Suite!

First Winner for My Memoeries suite goes to ............


Huge Congrats! Chickie! Just drop me an email at
and i'll set you up with a full version of My Memoeries Suite!!


Now since i have had so much awesome support with Eye Cnady Magic
and so muany lovelyt comments i have 5 winners to announce for
Spread the my time to spread the love :)

So our lucky winners are


Huge Congrats Chickies!!

Thank you for all your wonderful support!

Please email me at
so i can post your prizes in the post ASAP :)

I've been doing a few dashes of digital scrappin and i would love to show the last three layouts i've done , but unfoutunatly i can't as they have all been accepted to be Published!?
I'm truely gobbed smacked!

So excited though i had squeezed in a really lumpy bumpy layout before work this morning :)

With some of the lovely pinwheels from Clhoe "Rainbow Splender"
there so gosh darn cute! i need some more! :)

Also got a chance to take some chrissy themed photos of the boys :)

I couldn't resist scrappen these photots really quickly :)

Using loads of Digital goodies from Echo Park, Lindsay Designs,

With all this christmas in the air i wanted to make some quick christmas decorations

I've been meaning to make one of those lovely wreathes last year but never seemed to get around to as the silly season takes

but this year i got in quick and stayed up last night to make this

Well i Think i better start getting ready to go to work and all that jazz...

Wishing all a Very Merry Christmas and a Super New Year for 2012!

{HUGS} & Bubbles!



  1. Oh my!!! What wonderful creations!!!! That wreath is gorgeous and I love your scrapping!!! Thanks for making my pinwheels look so good!!! :-) :-) :-) xx

  2. Gorgeous pages Samantha!! So bright & fun... love them! Your wreath is awesome too! :-)

  3. SamIam...that cat just makes you so gorgeous...and those LO's and the wreath is just so amazing and clever !! WOW WOW WOW...congrats on being published too...dont be in shock coz I'm in awe :) :) I truly hope you guys had a lovely fun, Chrissy and you'll all have a wonderful, safe and bright 2012...many hugs and smooches...Mazzy xxx

  4. gorgeous colourful LO!

    and wow onthe wreath!!! thats just stunning!!

    Have a wonderfully creative and happy twenty12


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