
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Dreams, New Goals

Huge Hello Everyone!

I truly can't believe another year has come and gone so quickly!
Yet here we are again, embarking on another New Year 2012!

I have to take a moment to look back and be thankful for 2011,
such an awesome year of luxuriant year of growth for me.

I learnt so many powerful life changing tools and methods
and gained so much confidence and enthusiasm.

simple yet powerful phrase,

Respond, not React.


The Betari Box

We all live in similar cycles, it's having the strength to step back
and really just breathe and respond to whats really happening.

I still have to practice this, When tired and stressed you tend not
to taking in the Big Picture.

Just Breathe.

and remember to enjoy and be thankful for the simple things.

Another amazing tool i have adopted this past year is Goal setting.
I really believe we all set goals with out even realizing.
Small ones with our own rewards.
Clean house so that we can have a moment to ourselves
Cooking dinner so our family is well fed.

I have found that these small goals when completed can bring satisfaction.
But amplified into long term goals, can truly be confidence boosting

i have been avoiding getting my Drivers licence for god knows how long!
finally this  past year, in baby steps i got into a car and started learning to drive..
Now I'm at the stage of clocking up my hours after another two months I'll
 be able to go for my last test for my real true blue license!
On top of finishing and passing Cert III in Financial Services and
Cert II of New Opportunity's for Women.

While doing these courses i built up the confidences and my Resume to
Go for a job at Bunnings, which i am now happily working.

Looking forward to getting back into studies in February
with Cert IV of Accounting.

After i finish this course I'll be working casual at Bunnings and Part Time
at Busselton Booking Service!

Looking at doing the Diploma of Accounting part time, and some where in between
getting my time to read and scrap my little heart out!

i found in the last couple of months of 2011,
 i didn't take the time to step back too breathe and spend
time doing what i love!

Sadly Eye Candy Magic is just not going to be happening as much as i want,
 I'll be add to my Candy for sale page now and again,
I'll promise to let you know when it happens :)

But i really do love scrap booking! i love playing with both digital and textures!
so never fear Eye Candy Magic will be here :)

The Artist in my heart just yearns to play! even more so when i see the
 AMAZING creation you all have been creating!

truly inspiring!

i found a moment the other morning to pop out this layout

Today's Wish

       As you can see i have used some really talented ladies creation on my layout,
I so love Charms Creations! and i love Purple Pumpkins owl Buttons, and i have used my
own Eye Candy Magic Birdie Pin and Heart pin :)

Got to LOVE Handmade Goodies!! LOVE the Ladies Creations!

I also found a moment earlier today to squeeze in a digital layout

Looking over it again, the balance isn't really there....i much prefer my Today's wish

I just wanted to do a layout about My 5 Year
i used a lovely template by Dinskip Designs,
the Thankfully kit by Mye De Leon Digital Designs
an a Inked Frame by Diamante Designs

So after getting creative, feel ready to curl up with a book and a cuppa :)

   this year i will for fill my goals,
make time to scrap, read and relax with my family...

I hope you all have a Safe, Successful and Truly Creative 2012!

All my Love and Wishes!



  1. Lovely to see you back in the scrapping world Samantha! Both gorgeous layouts - really love the digi one!

  2. You have accomplished so much Samantha... good on you!! I hope 2012 sees you reaching all your goals :-)

    Fabulous pages too! Love all your gorgeous clustering in Today's Wish.

  3. oh wow - what totally gorgeous layouts ... fab-u-lous!!!

  4. HUGE hearts & Hugs my gorgeous Sam-I-am :) congrats to you and your amazing plan and I'm sure youre dreams will come true - your creations are continually amazing and each time so much better & better xxxx


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