
Monday, February 6, 2012

Count down!...

Huge Hello Everyone!!

Well it's the count down till my TAFE classes...

so out comes my time management silks...he he...
so I'm all rostered up and ready to take each step :)

Also have so super exciting news!!
I have Just enrolled in an E course


from the amazing Artist that brought us all She Art!

I honestly wanted to do her She Art course, but the time and money wasn't
there and i wasn't really into making paper dolls...even though they look AWESOME!

But this course i really couldn't say no, it's a 3 week Art Journalling workshop!
something i have been wanting to do again since my TAFE Art school days...
Just need the push and the inspiration of two very talented ladies

I'm looking forward to getting a new twist on my scrappen style and
enjoying rubbing shoulders with more Art crazed people :)

Also a bonus was that if i signed up before the 29th Feb the course is only $35.00
instead of $45.00

so how could i say no!
another reason i wanted to get a roster happen for myself is because
i really need to give myself time to do all the creative things i love!
Otherwise i just don't feel as happy, and we all love being Happy! :)

Talking about happy i was totally over the moon this weekend with Charms Creations!
OMG! this Women has single handily drag me out of my no mojo phase!

and blown me away with winning this sale giveaway!
totally AMAZING!!!
can't Thank Charmane enough!

Back to the no mojo thing, i ended up having a go with Charms Creations
have to use hearts, mists/paints and some Charms Creation.

Here is my take on this challenge

You Make Life Sweeter Everyday

some lovely goodies i found in my stash, Birdie pin from Chip chop shop,
 Charms Creation lolliepop and edgers and My own Eye candy magic spotty buttons and fimo button.

After this layout i wanted to still keep getting messy in the pains and mists
so i turned on some more masking and created

Please Just 1 nice Photo

oh i just love a good dose of

Another exciting news i have come across is a new
Scrapbooking Kit shop is coming!

OMG! if there is some i love its Scrap Kits!
so watching this space

Also exciting is they are out on the look out for some Design Team Members!

just click the picture to be taking to there lovely looking blog for more details!

well i think I'm about to get back to my next challenge with Show us your stuff...
Paper Dolls...

and working on some of my own design lino stamps :)

I'll post up some pics and show you what I've been doing :)

Also don't forget to check out my monthly giveaway!




  1. Hello there my friend!! Was super excited to see my badge on your sidebar!! Thanks for spreading the word :-). Loving ALL your creations here - fab fab stuff!!!! xxxxx have a great week :-)

  2. a great big huge congrats for winning charms giveaway, i love her stuff, but havent got around to placing an order with her yet...

    you are going to be super busy, that course looks great though

    how are your kids going back at school

  3. Ooh, your work is awesome Sam - have missed seeing it. Love all the bright colours - you are so creative. And a big congrats on the prize - i did see your name and thought - wow, you lucky girl - I'm sure you will enjoy it. All the best at TAFE!!


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