
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lets share the love!

Huge Hello Everyone!

well it's finally here the month of love!
even though i would like to think every month is filled with love :)

i have to apologize for going MIA i have been in and out of hospital
the past few weeks with a case of phenomena!
yeah i know, how strange?! in this heat?!

so now after a few sets of meds and a week of rest I'm feeling at least hafe normal
 and ready to get back to study Cert IV Accounting and
back to weekend work at Bunning :)

Fresh with a new time management plan so i can fit in some scrappen and bloggin
as i have realized my life is really not as colourful or inspiring
as it it with all my Scrappen Friends


Also decided to share my blogging love by hosting a giveaway every month!
 yep! every month!

I really wish i had the time to keep making and selling my Eye Candy Magic
its just not fitting in with family, work and study    

So i think i would rather share all these goodies with my follower
this way i can share goodies & keep making new random creations :)

Yeah! totally win win! for everyone!

so the giveaways will work on the usually blogging way

Post about the monthly giveaways on your blog and comment on the post with a link!

easy peasy!

the 1st of the next month i will draw a winner and post a new giveaway :)

so for the first Sam i Am's Eye Candy Magic Giveaway

February Giveaway

as you can see i got carried away with the love
but next every months giveaway will be different :)

I also wanted to share the few layouts i created just before i had gotten sick

Your Grassy Toes

I created this layout with Anna's crafting cupboard  Jan sketch
as you can see i have used some of those delish lollipop from Charms Creations

whom is hosting a Sale on the 3rd of Feb here


As well as this amazingly generous giveaway valued to $40!!!
just look at all those delish  goodies of Charm Creations!


Here is another layout i created with a dash of purple pumpkin buttons :)

Mud Puddles

i was having a thing about scarppen


I've been on the look out for some fabric to recover some chairs we picked up
with a newish dinning table,
so am excited to get myself a staple gun and some retro fabric and have a whirl at 
re covering dinning chairs :)

just don't want to pay too much for fabric as there is 6 chairs!

just have to keep my eyes peeled :)

um...i suppose i should get to helping Justin with the cooking or more
like cleaning up after

oh i should mention that my very talented partner Justin has set up a
face book page with all his drawings and portraits he has been commissioned.
check out his  Art works

here is one of my faves he had done from a photo

how sweet!

and i really love this one too

Well darling i really should make a move!

Loves you all and thank you for dropping by :)



  1. just adore your colourful mix of embellies on both your LO's gorgeous!!! wow how lovely are those sketches!

  2. Such a talented pair, you are! Loving the grassy toe layout and colours! Hope your feeling back to your normal self real soon!!! I have special parcel ideas for you ticking through my head at 100 miles an hour! )O(

  3. awesome layouts love all the colours.. and
    WOW what an awesome giveaway.. have posted on blog and facebook.. thank you for the chance to win

  4. love your layouts, just gorgeous, i love scrappin feet too lol.... what an awesome giveaway, i will post it on my blog soonish.... and omg love justin's drawings.....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fantastic prize, fantastic layouts, fantastic drawings. Glad I dropped by. Have posted a link on my blog to share the goodness

  7. HI Sam
    I was wondering where you had got to. hope your feeling better.
    awesome giveaway. and i love your grassy feet layout, awesome.
    and wow how talented is Justin, they are gorgeous. good luck to him with selling them.
    Ive been reading more than scrapping lately. Just read clockwork prince, awesome totally recommend.
    anyway i posted about the giveaway on my blog
    take care

  8. Hi Sam, have posted the link on my blog. Hope you are feeling better now.


    Added your giveaway to my sidebar!

    I won the last time so don't include me, but I love your stuff so much I think everyone should know about it!

  10. Awesome giveaway! I've linked on my blog.....

  11. gorgeous giveaway sam, i love love your stuff, and hope its me that wins, lol

    finally blogged it, its here

  12. you just never cease to amaze me - you're so creative and talented - and so is Justin I see on FB :) I hope that pneumonia has subsided by now and you're well on your way to recovery :)

    I've linked up on FB as well as my blog side bar and posted here:

    hearts'n'hugs my friend xxx

  13. Thank you Sam once again for a chance to win these yummy stuff!!! I made a post about it! Thanks! Hugs!!I also put a link back here every time I use your embellies ;)

  14. Oh Sam, so awesome things. I love them, i want them, i need them. Thank you,
    Dionysia (i don't have a blog)

  15. Hi Sam! I saw your Giveaway on Vicky's Varvadouka blog;m a new follower and i post about your giveaway on my blog! I would love to win!! Hope you feel better now!!

  16. I posted the link too !Thank you very much !

  17. Thank you so much for this beatufil giveway!!! I put a link to my blog and I hope it's ok.

  18. love your LO's they are so inspiring your give away is amazing

  19. Hi Sami. Your giveaway blows my socks off!!! Whoever wins will be one lucky soul.
    Your style is so unique, fun and full of texture - glad I found you and made your blog a favourite.
    Here's my blog link:

  20. Sam, your layouts are full of charm and inspiration. Everyone would want that fab prize giveaway in their hot little hands! Thanks for sharing the love.
    I hope you are feeling better soon!
    This is where you can find me

  21. gorgeous work sam! and gorgeous stuff!!!I would love to work with that stuff!!!

  22. Stumbled across your blog while reading Mal blog. I just love your layouts, so much detail and eye candy for sure on each page ♥ How awesome if your giveaway, so many yummy goodies. I have shared it on my blog:

  23. Great looking giveway. I like your drawings too.

  24. wow, so much to see in your post. thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. it's on my sidebar. thank you for sharing,
    hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

  25. OOHHH AHHH great giveaway
    I have blooged !

  26. Posted on my blog too..... love your stuff. Will be back to visit often I think. xx

  27. WOW. Ive never seen your stuff before and it is GRGEOUS! I love how bright and funky and fun it all is :D

  28. Me encanta tu blog.
    Yo me dedico a las miniaturas y tu regalo de sorteo me viene genial tambien para mi hobby.
    Subo el aviso a mi blog.
    besito sascension


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