
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lets get carative :)

Huge Hello Everyone!

Well i hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!

I sure you must of all had the Easter bunny drop by and your now
feeling a little bit over chocolate??

Or like myself just paced yourself...hehe
Well to my surprise i have found a few moments to make
some more fimo goodies :)

I have created some new pins and some cuties :)

Will be make them is a few more colours and planning some other goodies
for my first sale in a while for end of June 2012

From now on Eye candy Magic will be focused on Fimo Creations
as i have a total love affair with this playful clay :)

Still deciding weather to open my own Esty Store...
What do you think??

Any way so Loven these cutie Clouds - Fluffy :)

I thought they would go perfectly with a Layout challenge from Purple Pumpkin


Totally Fantastic sketch!!

I was inspired to take part in this challenge after hopping over to

WOW WEE! totally blown away with this loves creative talent!

I created this Layout with A Piece of Cake Designs April Kit


married up with Purple Pumpkins Spotty button and
a few of my Eye Candy Magic Creations

Ash' has had a fascination with cars since he was able to crawl!
I think it may have something to do with the first movie he ever watched
Wiggles Big Red Car, he honestly LOVED that movie to death!

Now Ash' has the biggest Hot Wheels collection and he spends just about ever waking moment
playing with some sort of form of cars!

so happy to have been able to scrap these photos!
Ash's is often not looking into the camera, so this is one of those special shots
I will cherish :)

Now it's off to play with some more paper....i hope :)
Will get a  few hours of study in first and then reward myself with some colours :)

Hope your all having a lovely holiday and enjoy your children :)



  1. Gorgeous page Samantha!!! & I'm lovin' your new fimo too :-)

  2. Wow!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your page!!!! It's ROCKING!!! I love the way you've used the twine around the photo and that you used two colours, your "car" cut out of book paper - fantastic!, your dotted line around the page with the journalling - wowza, your cards on the right - amazing, and your fimo creations! Seriously love them! Need to get me some! Okay I'm excited... or should I say "eggcited" lol - bad joke I know! Hehehe. And thanks for the lovely compliment! And thanks so much for playing along! :D You've made my day!

  3. Wow!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your page!!!! It's ROCKING!!! I love the way you've used the twine around the photo and that you used two colours, your "car" cut out of book paper - fantastic!, your dotted line around the page with the journalling - wowza, your cards on the right - amazing, and your fimo creations! Seriously love them! Need to get me some! Okay I'm excited... or should I say "eggcited" lol - bad joke I know! Hehehe. And thanks for the lovely compliment! And thanks so much for playing along! :D You've made my day!

  4. Hi there Samantha! Thank you so much for popping by my blog and leaving all those lovely comments, it always makes my day when someone comes by and lets me know what they think! I thought I would return the favour! Love all those gorgeous fimo creations, so so cute! and I am waiting on the April Kit myself, can't wait to play with it, your layouts are just amazing! I hope you keep visiting I sure will!

  5. Hi Sam thanks for popping by .... great work on your new fimo creations. Good to see you are still having fun with it!

  6. you're just amazing SamIam...and your "bar" just gets higher and higher !!! if you open an etsy store you know I'd be 1 happy customer !! I love what youve done with that kit and stash {heaps of hugs'n'hearts} xxxxxxxxxxx

  7. love the mix of pp and embellishments...thanks for playing along at PP


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