
Friday, April 13, 2012

Love a Good Challenge!

Huge Hello Everyone!

Wow Wee! What a fun week!

With Easter weekend been and gone, the holidays have been well
on the way!

I wanted to share with a few pic's of the boys Easter Hunt :)

they loved it so much that the boys asked us to hide the eggs all
over again! like three times! now that's what i call getting my moneys

I have been having a rest from study so each time i walk into the study room
I'm met by a desk covered by fimo and papers :)
super JOY!

I even been able to try out a few other challenges! YAY!
First i wanted to have a go at the Bi-monthly challenge at Charms Creations 

this challenge is on Super Stars

Using the Delish April Kit from A Piece of Cake Designs
I created this Layout...

"Life Sparkles Bright"

I also wanted to use the Bird is the Word challenge word


Used some more of My Eye Candy Magic Clouds - Fluffy
making them in all colours, they are so cute!...
Made a few new Love Bugs and some more pins :)

Also wanted to squeeze in another layout before work on starts again..
I popped over to 123 challenge

this months is the
Word - Believe
Colour - mint
Tech - Beads

I created this layout

"I Have Proof"

I really loved creating the wire and beads flourish :)
and so effective!
I used the Believe word in the journaling....

I Believe that dreams come true.....I Have Proof!

Worked out well

OK now i should get ready for work :)

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and enjoy every bit of your extra time with your kids




  1. These are great - love how you've grouped those 3 b&w photos in the 1st LO, too:):):)

  2. Oh I love these layouts Sam. I especially love the design of the first layout. You rock!
    Sarah x

  3. I love both your layouts. Gorgeous little embellishments. Your wire and bead pretty for teh 123 challenge is wonderful.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. LOL about re hiding the eggs, yep, we have to do that too :) makes for hours of fun... Both these LO's are amazing..

  6. Awesome work Sam - your creations are fabulous and so arty!! Especially love the last one for the 123 challenge!! Have a great week ☺

  7. Wow you have done such a fab job with these!!! Your work is most definitely eye candy and I absolutely adore your fun style!!!!

  8. I love those layouts!!! your style is fabulous!! thanks for playing with us at BITW

  9. Gorgeous creations Samantha.. so fun and funky!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at BITW :))

  10. what a great page Samantha thanks for subbing at BITW :)

  11. SAMANTHA!!! I knew I knew a rockstar! Congrats on your win!!! Love your style girlie!

  12. Wow... what an amazing layout! Love your wire work!!

  13. Love your layouts Sam, so fun and funky :)

  14. Congratulations Samantha!!! We chose your layout as a 123 Challenge winner :) Pleade email me your address so I can send you one of my prints as your prize. Regards Giovanna


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