
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Best of 2011

Huge Hello Everyone :)

looking over a few wonderful blogs yesterday
and i've been thinking i'll get in the BEST of 2011

with the year i have been having why not?!
as well as showing off my Masters entry for 2011


Now i have been dying to share my masters enteries with all of you
but i had to withhold one, because it was published as an Hourable mention (*Blush*)

so here are my creations :)

Large photo

Hidden Journalling, flip flap and a circle has spin hidden message

Double layout wih colour combo White/Blue/Orange

Well i want to take this oppotunity to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of my creative
and Blogging Friends whom inspire me everyday!

I hope you all know how much i love and thrive on your truly insping creation
and your wonderful words and stories

Heres to another awesome creative Year!




  1. Gorgeous pages Samantha :-) really love your masters double!!!! Congrats on your HM - saw it in the mag - looks fabulous :-) :-)

  2. Well a BIG HELLO to you Sam!!!
    WOWZERS!! You had been a Busy little Chick A Dee.....
    All these Layouts are SENSATIONAL..... I miss Stoppin by here regularly!!! Sniff Sniff
    CONGRATS on the HM, I did see this & thought you go girl!!!!!
    Hope all is going Well with YOU & your family!!!!!

  3. Wow! Your work is just so inspiring Sam! I love your Masters entries and well done on getting an HM! Fantastic work! xx

  4. I saw your HM too! Gorgeous stuff - especially that double for the Masters. Love the way you've done vertical pages instead of horizontal

  5. AOoooh... such eye candy for sure! Congrats on your masters HM! thats sooooo cool!

  6. Whoohoo!! Congratulations on your HM Samantha!! Love all your pages! particularly the double... that is awesome!! :-)

  7. sigh...

    thanks for posting them all.....

    I had the best little stroll through them all....

    and you put my favorite one out there with the fairy and the spoon.......

    One day I spotted that page and started following you...

    and then started buying your stuff and following you.....

    saw at least three things you did I want to try....

    thanks so much for a fantastic post, great products, and inspiration!


  8. your HM creations is 'simpy the best' I love it all and is just an amazing inspiration...miss Sam-I-am :) :) thanks so much for sharing your 'breathtaking every time' talent xxx

  9. Hey Gorgeous Sam, so lovely to see you blogging again....that study just takes over hey.Good to hear your love of paper is still there and that you will be playing a bit more this year.I miss your inspiration girl.And your goodies.I really want to buy some pins from you when you have your next sale.
    I wish you the best, happiest most inspirational Mel

  10. PS...don't know how you could only choose those LO's cause all yours are divine with a capital D


    mentioned you and your pretty chipboard today on my blog!


    talking about YOU!


    Using more blooms!


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